Sunday 2 October 2011

Media AS Level

This was the second film work i did for my media AS coursework - again, i had a pretty bad camera and it was just a kind of experimental thing whilst i was trying to teach myself to edit properly etc. The general idea behind this was to give a sense of something miserable being left behind. The cheesy reverse-edit was supposed to create a feeling of there being a struggle to let go of sadness (according to my notes written about this piece). Although i have developed quite a lot with my style of film and watching this work back is quite is definitely a good thing to learn from past work! If anything this piece taught me to be a lot less obvious with my editing style and bring meaning to the audience in a much more subtle way.

Garden of Earthly Delights

For A level, we had to write an in-depth dissertation on an artist. I chose to do mine on a particular triptych by Hieronymous Bosch named 'The Garden of Earthly Delights' - see below:

After writing my dissertation I had to create a series of photographs inspired by the piece that I studied. I'll write more about this when i've gone home to get my A Level art book as there is a lot of work missing that i am unable to upload at the moment.

'Bird About Town'

'Bird About Town' was a project i did for my A2 piece. We were given the word 'plumage' as our brief and had to develop a project over the weeks before our exam. I'll keep adding to this post as a lot of my work is at home and i'm in Leeds at the moment with limited access to all my work.....i'll try and scan in some stuff in my art book when i go home next month.

So these are some of the photographs i have the edits of, i'll try and upload more of them soon...A few are some of the final photographs but most are just test edits. I ended up with a set of about 5 final photographs in the end...but yeah will try and get my development and final pieces up when i can.

The film i made as the second part of my exam was something that was pretty coincidental. As we went around London doing the photoshoot, i filmed little tests just to use as, Charli's just crawling around the floor flapping like a bird and all these people are kind of staring at us - and i guess at that point we realised that we couldn't take ourselves seriously for the entire day so the 'Bird About Town' film came around pretty quickly. It's pretty self-explanitory and was just a bit of fun i was persuaded to use as an add-on to my exam final was only filmed on a pretty bad quality camera but this was how i kind of got into filming alongside the photographic work i had been doing previously.

So i've just been checking out what photography i have kept from when i was younger - so i guess this is where it started and will be interesting to compare this work to the work i start producing this year.
Here is my work from 2008 when i first started doing Photography as part of my fine art GCSE. This was basically when i discovered Adobe Photoshop and got my first SLR so a lot of my work was pretty experimental (and embarrassingly cliche with a lot of excessive vignette going on) - but i suppose this is a blog of all my work and is being used to track my progress so....embarrassment aside - onwards and upwards. Good luck to all my other friends with their blogs - i look forward to seeing all your work as well over the next two years xx